Enroll Students in a Class from the School Roster

Teachers can enroll students in a Class from the School Roster. First, however, an administrator at the school must upload a school roster into ThinkCERCA.

After a school roster has been uploaded by an administrator, a teacher can follow these steps to enroll students in a Class from the School Roster:

  1. Navigate to the Classes page.
  2. Scroll to a class that has no students. Select “Enroll Students.” Alternatively, you can select the class to visit the class’s Planner. On the Roster tab of the Planner, select the button labeled “Enroll Students.”
  3. Click the button “Select From School Roster.”
  4. This will take you to the School Roster page. Check the box next to the name of the students you would like to enroll in your class.
  5. Select the “+” button.
  6. The selected students have now been added to your class.

Enroll Students in a Class from the School Roster (204226493)_adding-students-to-class-from-school-roster

Alternatively, students can join a class themselves with a 6-digit class code. However, their accounts must be created – through a school roster upload by an administrator or manual enrollment by a teacher – before they can log in and use the code to join a class.