Setup Classlink LTI SSO

Rostering through Classlink is a seamless experience and it's even better when it's paired with a Single Sign-On Solution your teachers are accustomed to. 

ThinkCERCA uses LTI v1.0 for SSO through Classlink. In order to configure this setup, your district will need to already have an existing Roster Server connection with ThinkCERCA or in the process of setting it up. 

Once Roster Server has been configured, reach out to our team at to provide you with the Consumer Key and Secret to establish the connection. 

For instructions on how to setup the LTI, refer to this link in Classlink's Help Center. 


Below is the information you will need:

  1. Launch URL:
  2. oAuth Consumer Key: (provided upon request)
  3. oAuth Consumer Secret: (provided upon request)
  4. Resource Link ID: (this can be anything as we don't actively use it)
  5. User ID: UserSourcedId
  6. Lis person contact email primary should be ENABLED

Additionally, we require the following Custom Input Fields.


grades  %usermetadatagrade%
sis_sourced_id  %orgsourcedid%
lis_person_contact_email_primary %email%
lis_person_name_given %givenname%
lis_person_name_family %familyname%