Scaffolded Scope & Sequence

Teaching Remotely? Check out our Week by Week Remote Learning Schedule, our Day by Day Remote Learning Plan and our Remote Learning Lesson Plans.


The first lessons students encounter with ThinkCERCA are essential for building independence and buy-in, as well as laying the foundation for growth. Our recommended scope and sequence is carefully scaffolded to ensure a smooth and effective implementation of the CERCA Framework.

In addition to covering critical literacy skills like summarizing and organizing arguments, the first six Writing Lessons of our recommended scope and sequence are designed to introduce students to the building blocks of CERCA.

Here is a schedule to support you in implementing ThinkCERCA’s Argumentative Lessons. This is intended to be a guide, and can be implemented with any of the argumentative Writing Lessons available on ThinkCERCA (though we have linked some teacher favorites). 

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Download the scope & sequence here