Archive a Student Account

Administrators have access to archive student accounts in ThinkCERCA.

Steps to Archive

  1. On the Classes tab, select "Manage School Roster" at the top.manage-school-roster.png
  2. You can find the student or students you are looking for by typing all or part of their names in the search field.
  3. Select one or more students by ticking the checkboxes next to their names; you’ll see a bar appear at the bottom of the screen. If you want to select all students, click the icon on the far left of this bar (it looks like a minus symbol in a circle); click again if you want to deselect all students.
  4. Once you’ve chosen the students you wish to archive, click the icon in the middle of the bottom bar (it looks like a folder with a down arrow).
  5. A confirmation message will pop up; tick the boxes and click “Yes, Archive Student.”



Steps to Unarchive

If you archive students by mistake (or if students who had left your school return), you can easily switch them back to active status.

1. On the Manage School Roster page, click on the “All Current Students” filter above the right-hand corner of the roster. Choose “Archived” from the dropdown menu; the roster will reload and display only archived students.
2. As you did previously to archive these students, select one or more students by ticking the checkboxes next to their names; you’ll see a bar appear at the bottom of the screen. If you want to select all students, click the icon on the far left of this bar (it looks like a minus symbol in a circle); click again if you want to deselect all students.
3. Once you’ve chosen the students you wish to unarchive, click the icon in the middle of the bottom bar (it now looks like a folder with an up arrow).
4. A confirmation message will pop up; click “Yes, Unarchive Student.”




Archived students will no longer appear in any “by grade” reports (visible only to school and district leaders). Archiving students automatically removes them from any current classes, so teachers do not need to remove these students from each class by hand. However, if archived students rejoin their classes, they will reappear on both the school and class rosters.